HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH
HERMANN-Coburg uses 2 different kinds of eyes for its Teddy Bears - security eyes and draw in eyes.
most of the HERMANN-Coburg Teddy Bears have security eyes made of acrylic
glass in many different colours like black, brown, green or blue and many
different sizes. These eyes are riveted very closed with the Teddy Bears
face. Still before the head is stuffed by the Excelsiorstuffers but after
the head is sewn, the eyes have to be fastened in the Needlework Room.
Security eyes were developed in the Seventies with the appearance of the security laws for German toys. Before that time all eyes were drawn in the face with needle and thread. Also today HERMANN-Coburg uses such eyes, which have to be drawn in with needle and thread, for its most valuable collectible Teddy Bears. These draw in eyes have to be sewn in the Bear's face by hand after the head is stuffed. This is a very important work of the women in the Needlework Room, because from that moment on the Teddy Bear gets its own personality. The Bear begins to see.
While in former times only glass or shoe button eyes existed, today also acrylic draw in eyes are used. HERMANN-Coburg uses all different kinds of draw in eyes. It depends on the character of the Teddy Bear. Also today some important HERMANN-Coburg Teddy Bears get the very expensive glass eyes like the Rolf-G. Hermann Bear or the Artline Bears.
More information about Rolf-G. Hermann
More information
about the Rolf-G. Hermann Bear (RGH-Bear)
More information about the Artline Bear
More information about coloured mohair painted by
the artist Dagmar Strunk
the same like the acrylic glass eyes, HERMANN-Coburg uses glass eyes in different
colours like black, brown or green and in different sizes. But it is very
important when ever you use also today glass eyes, to sign the Bear as a
valuable Collectible Teddy Bear not made for children, because of the European
security laws for children toys.
Still today HERMANN-Coburg has a little stock of very old glass eyes from the Fifties. These old eyes are very precious. Sometimes Hermann-Coburg takes also these very old glass eyes for very valuable small limited editions Teddy Bears like the 50 pieces limited edition "Rarity Bear", introduced in February 1995, or the little range of the "Sonneberg Kermis Bears" made of old artificial silk fabric of the Fifties.
HERMANN-Coburg has also a very little stock of only some hundreds shoe button eyes. At this time HERMANN-Coburg is still a little anxious to use these old original shoe button eyes for the today made Teddy Bears, because these eyes will never come back, when they are gone.
All eyes used in the HERMANN-Coburg factory - acrylic eyes in the same like glass eyes and security eyes in the same like draw in eyes - are made in Germany.
More information about the most well-known German eye maker company Reinhold