HOT News from Coburg-Cortendorf

On this page we want to inform you about special events all around the HERMANN-Coburg Teddy Bears.

->Show and Fairs we are attending <-    See time-schedule of our TV Shows worldwide

TOBY 2011 Award
HERMANN wor the Industry's Choice Awards with 3 Bears
Toby Industry's Choice Winnder 2010 by Hermann-Coburg TOBY Industry's Choice Winner 2010


  • The First Dog®
  • Wiesnwirt "O'zapft is"
  • The Beefeater
  • 16. Sonneberger Museumsbär 2009

TOBY Public's Choice Winner 2009
OSCAR of the Teddybear won by HERMANN Coburg

Old Bavarian Bear
won the TOBY Public's Choice Award 2009
item 19967-8

very detailed dressing in the bavarian style with valuable embroidering and folklore button
37 cm = 14 1/2  inch, Limited Edition 250 Stück

also available:
Old Bavarian Girl, 19968-5

Monika Hohlmeier visit HERMANN in Coburg

... please read about her visit in Coburg dated March 25th, 2009 in our BLOG (German)

Monika Hohlmeier in Coburg bei Hermann

TOBY Logo 2009

TOBY Industry's Choice Awards

HERMANN Coburg won with 4 Bears the TOBY Award in the USA
On the IDEX in Orlando the following bears were selected as the winner of the
TOBY Industry's Choice Award

Here comes Santa Claus
(Small manufactured dressed

(Small manufactured undressed)

Old Bavarian Bear
(Large manufactured dressed)

Sonneberger Museumsbär 2008
(Large manufactured undressed)

OSCAR for Teddybear goes to Coburg
General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben Teddybear
won TOBY Public's Choice Awards

No question - HERMANN Coburg makes extraordanary  Bears. Also in 2008 a bear of the collection was honourd with the TOBY Public's Choice Award

General Friedrich von Steuben
Mohair, excelsior, growler
41 cm - 16 inches
Limited to 500 pieces

General Steuben - Toby Winner 2008

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HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH, Im Grund 9-11, D-96450 Coburg / Germany
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